donderdag 18 april 2013

Beets and apples...

One of David's favourite snacks is: beets, apples and some lemon juice. And I agree.....very delicious. It takes a little work to make this but if you have the time.....which I is so worth it. I figure that i just see making this as a hobby and then i am much more motivated.....also while i am making this Germany's next topmodel is playing in the background. Hey, i have to learn German and what better way than to listen to Heidi Klum and her pretty....yet slightly whiny mädchen who are trying to rule the world. Some of those girls have is good that i am mostly just listening instead of wachting.

But yes: BEETS! The colour is I think one of the prettiest and they have such a nice earthy taste.
Be careful you don't grab on of these on accident:)
 Just the beginning of creating red hands.
Just cut everything into pieces and...
throw it in some cutting device.
David got this one for his b-day......he loves it.
Do not forget lemon for freshness and juice. Just add the juice.
After everything is chopped and lemon is added it is good to mix it some more to make it nice and squishy.
And there we have a nice refreshing and healthy bowl of redness.
This little peeler is the best 3 euro spend at Ikea EVER! It makes peeling FUN...that is right. Because of this thingy I peel so much more veggies and fruit and of course because of that also eat more of the earths goodness. Especially carrots....very good to eat instead of like chocolate or crisps.
And then you can make a cheesy note for your husband...because you know ...that is what 4 months of marriage has done to And yes, beets make for excellent stamps.

Do not worry the next day you go to the toilet.....nothing is wrong with you. Beets are just very strong in colour:)


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