vrijdag 19 april 2013

Today is green.......

 So....last week i had to go and undergo a glucose-test for several reasons. To put it mildly...i did not like it at all. The doctor had not been very clear in his communication. To make a long story short: i had to sit there in the waiting room for almost 3 hours and having my blood taken every hour. At some point i found a Cosmopolitan to read and saw this little recipe and well....i decided ro rip it out and that was that:) I have made green smoothies before but this one seemed so nice and simple. I probably should not rip out more pages.

All these photo's are a bit mixed up and i can not seem to get them in the right order. But anyway it was super simple to make and super tasty.....and i feel so good after drinking stuff like this and that is mostly why i do it.

The ingredients. Minus those 2 little plants. Leaf spinach is not really sold here in the supermarket. Luckily there is a good Turkish stand at the market. I did not add the Romana lettuce...i just added a bit extra water.

Here i put the rest in an old appelsauce jar, put a ribbon on it and VOILA a nice little present for the husband.

Nice squishy green. You can taste the celery very well and i wasnt sure if i was going to like it....but i do. You can read a nice article about how healthy celery is : HERE


donderdag 18 april 2013

Beets and apples...

One of David's favourite snacks is: beets, apples and some lemon juice. And I agree.....very delicious. It takes a little work to make this but if you have the time.....which I have......it is so worth it. I figure that i just see making this as a hobby and then i am much more motivated.....also while i am making this Germany's next topmodel is playing in the background. Hey, i have to learn German and what better way than to listen to Heidi Klum and her pretty....yet slightly whiny mädchen who are trying to rule the world. Some of those girls have legs......goodness.....it is good that i am mostly just listening instead of wachting.

But yes: BEETS! The colour is I think one of the prettiest and they have such a nice earthy taste.
Be careful you don't grab on of these on accident:)
 Just the beginning of creating red hands.
Just cut everything into pieces and...
throw it in some cutting device.
David got this one for his b-day......he loves it.
Do not forget lemon for freshness and juice. Just add the juice.
After everything is chopped and lemon is added it is good to mix it some more to make it nice and squishy.
And there we have a nice refreshing and healthy bowl of redness.
This little peeler is the best 3 euro spend at Ikea EVER! It makes peeling FUN...that is right. Because of this thingy I peel so much more veggies and fruit and of course because of that also eat more of the earths goodness. Especially carrots....very good to eat instead of like chocolate or crisps.
And then you can make a cheesy note for your husband...because you know ...that is what 4 months of marriage has done to you.....heartsbeets.....you know...beats/beets.....horrible. And yes, beets make for excellent stamps.

Do not worry the next day you go to the toilet.....nothing is wrong with you. Beets are just very strong in colour:)


maandag 8 april 2013

Bloom where you are planted...

Past weekend was General Conference: www.lds.org 
I have not watched everything but what i have seen i have enjoyed very much.

At one point one of the apostles said: Bloom where you are planted.
Of course i had heard this quote before but it really hit me and is still stuck in my head.
The last 2 weeks i have spend in the Netherlands with my mom. I saw lots of familymembers and friends and i loved it. I have been a little homesick the past 3 months so i was super excited. Being there was great but still it was obvious that i do not live there anymore.....and i actually got a little homesick for....home...home here in Germany with David.

In the past 2 weeks i really decided to change my attitude and enjoy and appreciate more my blessings. I have this tendency to always look back....lets call it : extreme nostalgia. I think about the things i had, the things that were good, the things that were bad, the time i have wasted .....blablabla. But then i also look to the future very much and thinks things like: if i only live there or when i have children or when David is done with school. Often i am not fully in the present. Things pass me by.....I am not as excted at time as i can be and i should enjoy the moments now more often otherwise next year i will look back at this and the circle continues!!!

I have sooooooooooooooooo many blessings and all the time and opportunities now to grow....to bloom and that is what i want....of course.

So starting today i will: (to begin with)
* Practice German....seriously
* Exercise
* Focus more on spirituality
* Smile more
* Do something creative....i have to.

Forcing your mind to change the initial reserves and worries it has is difficult but a happy,cheery attitude works wonders and is really worth the internal struggle. I even managed to tell my brain that it likes doing the dishes and if that is possible......
what isn't?!!!!

That being said i am always so surprised how fast quotes from the General Conference speakers turn up on Facebook as inspirational posters. Is it what some people do while watching or inbetween? I tracked down some sources and found some nice ones:

These were all found via: ldsliving and pinterest.
