Past weekend was General Conference:
I have not watched everything but what i have seen i have enjoyed very much.
At one point one of the apostles said: Bloom where you are planted.
Of course i had heard this quote before but it really hit me and is still stuck in my head.
The last 2 weeks i have spend in the Netherlands with my mom. I saw lots of familymembers and friends and i loved it. I have been a little homesick the past 3 months so i was super excited. Being there was great but still it was obvious that i do not live there anymore.....and i actually got a little homesick for....home...home here in Germany with David.
In the past 2 weeks i really decided to change my attitude and enjoy and appreciate more my blessings. I have this tendency to always look back....lets call it : extreme nostalgia. I think about the things i had, the things that were good, the things that were bad, the time i have wasted .....blablabla. But then i also look to the future very much and thinks things like: if i only live there or when i have children or when David is done with school. Often i am not fully in the present. Things pass me by.....I am not as excted at time as i can be and i should enjoy the moments now more often otherwise next year i will look back at this and the circle continues!!!
I have sooooooooooooooooo many blessings and all the time and opportunities now to bloom and that is what i want....of course.
So starting today i will: (to begin with)
* Practice German....seriously
* Exercise
* Focus more on spirituality
* Smile more
* Do something creative....i have to.
Forcing your mind to change the initial reserves and worries it has is difficult but a happy,cheery attitude works wonders and is really worth the internal struggle. I even managed to tell my brain that it likes doing the dishes and if that is possible......
what isn't?!!!!
That being said i am always so surprised how fast quotes from the General Conference speakers turn up on Facebook as inspirational posters. Is it what some people do while watching or inbetween? I tracked down some sources and found some nice ones:
These were all found via: ldsliving and pinterest.